Our alpaca herd includes a range of colours.
If you are a spinner or enjoy felting we have a range of alpaca fleece saddles ready for spinning or converting to alpaca felt.
For knitters, we have a large range of alpaca knitting yarn for sale. The knitting yarn is in 5, 8 and 10ply 50 gm balls. The length in the balls varies from 90 to 120 metres depending on the ply.
Although we sometimes blend our fleeces, we do not dye our knitting yarn. The yarn reflects the colours of the alpacas in our paddocks.
For weavers we spin our alpaca yarn onto cones. The cones usually contain 3 to 4 ply alpaca yarn.
If you have a specific project in mind you can pre-order you knitting yarn or fleece saddles from us. We take orders from July to September and shear most of our herd in September each year.


Yarn on Cones

Alpaca Knitting Yarn